Wednesday, 13 January 2021


"You are what you google".

If someone were to know our google history,we can 

pretty much be defined with reasonable accuracy.I 

would just add our social media accounts to this.

So overwhelming and all pervading is the presence 

of digital footprints in our lives that we are pretty 

much the sum total of our digital activity.

We need not talk about how Orwellian nightmare

 (1. "1984". 2.ANIMAL FARM)

is nearing us.

It isn't .

Because it's already there.

Sunday, 10 January 2021



It is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way(noun).

ORIGIN OF SERENDIPITY IS from the characters in the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip who made such discoveries . 

Serendipitous is an adjective that describes accidentally being in the right place at the right time, like bumping into a good friend in some unusual location, or finding a hundred dollar bill on the ground.

   It is not the same as luck;luck is something that happens to someone by chance, a chance occurrence while serendipity is an unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.


 Passion is the gap factor between Excellence and 

Brilliance.It defines the difference between the 

Great and the Genius.When passion is factored in 

,work does not remain work anymore...Of course 

talent is the basic qualifying condition.

Few realize this.

What is passion? It is,for me ," irresistible desire

 and compelling compulsion to accomplish a task 

fuelled on the platform of talent ,discipline,laser  

focus and vectored effort".


When passion driven brilliance combines with 

experience driven wisdom ,magic happens.These 

are the people who define life.

Friday, 8 January 2021


This will be a spoilsport.Hope readers get the intent.

Lots of new year wishes,expectations,anticipations,optimism. etc etc


Year grows.

If it works out as you saw it, be happy and pleased.

But if it does not,don't be disappointed.Dont blame and curse the new year.

It's hope that had got us going.

Not the new year.

It was just a change of date.

New year day, is time trick evolution played on us; that trick altered our perception-new perception created hope.And from hope came attitude.

Which is great.We need to be tricked sometimes for our own good.

Not much had changed-except your attitude.

Date was a mere platform.

Hope created the attitude.

Keep up the attitude.

P.S.Want to know how?

Start wishing yourself every morning with:

"Happy New Day!"

Another time trick of evolution..only you will have created the trick..for yourself.

Hopefully,you will have eternal hope.