Thursday 26 August 2021




Humans are genetically programmed to self actualize.But I find that Indians are most susceptible to EMOTION MINING.From time immemorial one  sees that convoluted appeal to sentiment rather than compulsion of logic has driven our reactions as a group.We have failed our software miserably as a group.For a country whose inmates populate more than 50 percent of NASA the failure is astonishing.Our collective narrative has shifted .In civilizations that don't grow there is either a sense of drift or a sense of sin.Time to think about this.

I believe that there are two connected dangers militating against growth and evolution of human civilization.These are DELEGITIMISING DISSENT and SHIFTING THE NARRATIVE.It is clear and present danger.The emotionally mined must understand that "dissent"is just the opposite of "consent".Sentimentalising grammar shifts the narrative.Vibrancy of ideas and freedom of expression within a legitimate legal framework are unexceptional.In stone age,invention of fire was a statement of dissent.A statement of dissent against darkness.

 #तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय