Monday, 11 October 2021



I usually become a ghost to those who no longer deserve my time. I’ve never seen a point in explaining my absence to someone who failed to appreciate my presence. You don’t owe any explanations to those who hurt you.

My take:beware of Stockholm syndrome of love

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won’t anymore, and who always will. And in the end you learn who is fake, who is true and who would risk it all for you.

Not everyone who desires access to your life, your heart, and your spirit are worthy of the access they seek. Protect it. Your time is your most valuable asset. By all means give it to those whom will appreciate it. But to continuously allow yourself to be used and suffer through other’s actions, you’re doing no one any justice. Take care of you first so that you can take care of your purpose and be all that you were meant to be. Then you will be able to be there for others.
~ Maritza Alvarez

When you give yourself to someone who doesn’t respect you, you surrender pieces of your soul that you’ll never get back. There comes a point when you have to let go and stop trying with some people. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll find a way to put you there. Sometimes you just need to let go and accept the fact that they don’t care for you the way you care for them. Let them leave your life quietly. Letting go is oftentimes easier than holding on. We think it’s too hard to let go, until we actually do. Then we ask ourselves, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

‘’The more chances you give someone the less respect they’ll start to have for you. They’ll begin to ignore the standards that you’ve set because they’ll know another chance will always be given. They’re not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won’t walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you.’’
~Trent Shelton

I read somewhere something about love and self respect.We often humiliate ourselves in trying to prepare ourselves for the so called"right time" or "right moment" to bid goodbye.Save yourself because it isn't coming.There is no perfect time to decide to start respecting yourself.If its anytime ,its now.This is my view.

Now here is what I read:

‘’If love becomes too painful, then it’s time to let that love go and save yourself. You have to keep this in mind because you’ll be able to find another love but not another self.’’

Combine my thought with this.Many of you may yet save yourself...Before saving yourself becomes irrelevant.