Wednesday, 8 February 2023



As per Alliance for Integrity “Integrity in its bare-bones essence means adherence to principles. It is a three-step process: choosing the right course of conduct; acting consistently with the choice—even when it is inconvenient or unprofitable to do so; openly declaring where one stands. It is “thinking person’s virtue.”

People often interchange honesty and integrity as if they are one and the same. But, they are decidedly distinct. The honest person may truthfully tell what he or she believes without the advance determination of whether it is right or wrong. Integrity is about conduct;honesty is about adhering to facts. honesty is about what you say; integrity is about what you do

Integrity compares your behaviour to your own rules and self-definition. If your behaviour is always consistent with your belief system, you are acting with integrity.In this sense integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy.An interesting take is “Integrity is telling myself the truth. Honesty is the truth I tell others.”

Integrity can best be explained as "doing the right thing when no-one is watching". Honesty is just about telling the truth.

Integrity deals with actions.Honesty is about words.Honesty does not imply that a person adheres to a moral code.Integrity implies that a person adheres to a moral code.Honesty is not a guarantee of integrity.Integrity is a guarantee of honesty.

Wiki sums it up well

Integrity is “concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.”


One can be honest without integrity.Honesty is what most of us value.Integrity is however the real thing.

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