The quote below is sourced from The Week dated March 19 ,2023.
"Sex is such a healthy thing that your first encounter with it should be good. Otherwise, it scars and disturbs you for life. That sexual assault gave me complex throughout my life and it took me a long time and several partners to come out of it."
:Actor Piyush Mishra
There was a recent story in press of a cab driver being taken at a lonely place by a group of women probably in Punjab and sexually assaulted.But such is the algorithm bias on internet that whenever I typed "sexual assault on cab driver by women" the internet opened up pages on sexual assault by cab drivers on women.Try it.
such is the socio cultural bias that sexual assault on men by women evoke guffaws and sniggers,some even going on to say its biologically/anatomically impossible.What amazing stupidity.
Ditto for legal bias.Women have s 354,375 and 509 of IPC to protect them
Is there a single provision in Indian laws which specifically (not generally ,as in criminal assault)covers men?
Why is POSH for women only?
Is there no sexual victimization of men by female bosses ?(in fact a film Aitraz got made on it some years back).
All of us know women's day as March 8.Do you know there is an Inttl.Men's day too?Do u know the date?Can u recall any event associated with it?
According to the findings of a major U.S. study, 40% of men who were sexually abused in childhood reported that their abuser was female.(J., Dong, M. and Giles, W.H. (2005). (American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28(5): 430-438.)
Men are chauvinist pigs.Great.They have hidden agendas.Fine.But this labelling of MCP has a counter story too,did u know that?Written by a WOMAN, Ariel Levy's book FEMALE CHUVINIST PIGS is a must read.
I admire women greatly.I respect their independence,their freedoms ,their choices ,their rights.But trampling over all men in the name of feminism all the while USING their gender and riding on historical wrongs to get their way by means fair or foul ...that is ethical?
Why the hypocrisy?
Lets be a little even handed about this.
"Take a moment and picture an image of a rapist. Without a doubt, you are thinking about a man. Given our pervasive cultural understanding that perpetrators of sexual violence are nearly always men, this makes sense. But this assumption belies the reality, revealed in our study of large-scale federal agency surveys, that women are also often perpetrators of sexual victimization.":Lara Stemple, Ilan H. Meyer (2017)UCLA school of Law.
Hanna Rosin writing on this research said:"Stemple is a longtime feminist who fully understands that men have historically used sexual violence to subjugate women and that in most countries they still do. As she sees it, feminism has fought long and hard to fight rape myths—that if a woman gets raped it’s somehow her fault, that she welcomed it in some way. But the same conversation needs to happen for men.”