Tuesday 14 March 2023

International Women's Day

International Woman's day (Mar 8)is the day whole world stands up and berates men for discriminating against women and how,inspite of this women are out scoring men.

My respectful tangent.

 Main point of feminism is not equality.

This concept is killing feminist movements because feminism does not mean being allowed to do what all men do.

Wikipedia ,very wrongly,tells us that "Feminism holds the position that societies prioritize the male point of view and that women are treated unjustly in these societies."

Very bad drafting of an equally bad conceptualization.

Feminism is about FREEDOM-free to do what i want,when I want and how i want-within bounds of law.

So is humanism.

The day we say" I am free"without reference to gender...that would be all-isms.

Feminism is political, economic and cultural freedom.

Equality is just a subset of freedom.

The day women stop referencing men as standards of any endeavour is the day they will be feminine-not merely feminists.I personally believe that women are emotionally a much stronger gender.They are capable of withstanding adversity far more than men.That is why they outlive men.Men disintegrate easily.

And they have their share of discrimination,though not talked about.March 8 everyone knows.How many know there is an International men's day too?And the date?One will google to find out.Is any celebration held to commemorate the day?

But why should there be,say the hard core arm chair vigilante women?.They are bloody MCPs.

How many know Ariel Levy ,a woman,wrote a book "Female Chauvinist Pigs" (sorry,but that's the title),on rise of the raunch culture.

Infact I think gender differences should be respected and celebrated.I find the feminine vulnerability(in sensible women) strangely attractive.Never thought of it as a weakness.It takes guts to show that.Ditto for tears.Now male crying is getting normalised.

Women started wearing pants.Great.But men didnt cry wolf and say we should be allowed to wear skirts or that when we wear skirts we are looked upon as nut cases.

Women's day should be a celebration of womanhood.How they are outpacing men in matters of substance and how much they are still discriminated are chapters of another book.

“Woman” is an "absolute". Not a " comparative".

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