Sunday, 3 May 2020


1.The overtly dramatic title is just to have your attention.Now that I have it,let me try and justify it.A virtually universal phenomena sweeps us in our working and private lives today.That of a ‘’perceived unreasonable and disproportionate behaviour’’/reaction from the significant others in our lives.Colleagues,supervisors,friends,spouse,children……et al.We are by and large unhappy people,dissatisfied with lives and things.Happiness index places Indians at a unmentionably lower place.Even Pakistan is ahead of us!(India at 140,Pakistan at 67.Finland at 1st:  2019 World Happiness Index).Interactional conflicts are a major issue in this-from the street corner grocer to the inhuman boss ,all are ill mannered and unreasonable.And so am I.’’sorry,I didn’t mean it’’must be the most (ab)used sentence in English language.So would’’Please don’t mind’’.We mean all of it..and internally we care two hoots if the bugger minded.But we say it anyway….diplomatic ties may not be broken and all that.
2.As I sat analysing this phenomena I find that most of us are saddled with the following unadmitted traits:
TOP OF THE BOARD:1. (Suppressed) rage and anger
2.Dejection and disappointment
3.Depression and withdrawal
4.Helplessness and hopelessness
5.Hurt and denial
Tick your boxes.
3.And we go on with assumed overt pseudo cheerfulness,living in denial(this one we have mastered,esp the women-sorry ladies!),glossing over , hiding, and nurturing, our hurts and lying to ourselves.NO wonder we love sad songs so much!And quotes like ‘’our sweetest songs are those that tell us of our saddest thoughts’’.
Who has not had a secret tear in his/her eye listening to Roberta Flack singing’’KILLING ME SOFTLY WITH HIS SONG’’?(Olivia Ong version though is  my favorite).Angst sells like nothing else in this world.We buy it -all the time.Afterall,its free .
 4.But life is a statement of affirmation.It is a statement of hope.It is a statement of creation.SO when you are in such a state and use the two most anti life instruments of behaviour in tackling the world:HYPOCRICY and MANIPULATION-life takes its toll.Nature is the special purpose vehicle of life.The keyboard of life has no ‘’esc’’ button nor can’’ctrl+alt+del’’lead you to a task manager to’’end task’’.LIFE grows-its an organic affirmation of creation.
5.So whenever we take a false step,life gives us a reality check and gives us ,lets say 10 grams of depression or maybe 5 oz.of self directed anger.This accumulates.Hypocricy is nothing but a pseudo reaction high on its perceived acceptability  triggered by fear of consequences of speaking the truth or wish to elicit a wanted emotion.Manipulation is on same continuum…triggering a desired reaction by creating a situational /verbal set up where the manipulated is compelled to react in manner X.
BUT-Life takes its toll again.
Have you ever wondered that we are rarely punished FOR our anger?We are punished BY our anger.The emotion is the punishment.Its life speaking again.
6.If ,for a day we decide to rewind a typical life day in our lives we will see that the number of times WE SUPPRESS OUR REACTIONS-at times ,so called life’’coaches’’tell us,its necessary-but do we sublimate it?-hell,no.We keep it inside us.The boss situation is all too common-you hear him firing you from late coming to office,to failures to meet deadlines,targets etc etc etc.Most of us,inspite of self help manuals and oh so wise life coaches,counsellors and shrinks ,cannot cope with it in the sense of harmonized acceptability….harmonized with your thought and emotion…it builds up rage…and anger…but because we cannot take it out to the real recipient we …suppress it….but then this is not nature’s way….so it comes out again….in form of a disproportionate reaction to a totally unconnected situation/interaction before a bewildered colleague,a hapless subordinate,an astonished spouse,……Personal life provides further examples.A taunt on your salary,deficiencies in social interaction,inability to be a good parent…..
7.I am not entering into the other realms outlined,like depression etc because those are internalized reactions to a situation deemed to cause irrepairable hurt or unmendable emotional damage….if you have understood the rage part the rest of the analysis is easy.
8.What then is the conclusion?We love conclusions.We want closure all the time.its ok in a way.Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.Should we wear our hearts on our sleeves?Blast the boss back?etc.Or cry on the first available shoulder?Nothing of the sort.The whole purpose of this essay is to ask all of you TO UNDERSTAND.To understand that suppressed rage is a common outcome of all pressure interactions…and of some personal ones too.Understand your own reaction.Empathise with the reaction coming to you  or,if you are too angry to do that,become aware of where the reaction’s disproportinateness could be coming from.We are all mostly hurt.We are anxious.We are angry.
9.The first step to eliminate all this negativity is to understand that you have all this.Then,even if you are not able to eliminate all this,at least you will have taken a huge step towards that.It is said that to understand is to pardon.Let us forgive-not others-let us first forgive ourselves.Then would come the emotional and cognitive rebuilding part.That is mostly person specific.But I would be happy to share my thoughts on it-derived from life,unburdened by tomes of psychology and so called cognitive therapies ,motivation theories,self help books and the like…mind you they are useful.I would recommend just one:GAMES PEOPLE PLAY by ERIC BERNE.
10. But ,given a fair bit of education,intelligence ,experience and a bit of horse sense…no better place to learn than from a university called life.

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